It's amazing how fast 29 years goes by! I am trying to think of something memorable Kerry and I can do today for our anniversary - after watching Emily's softball game tonight that is. Maybe we could head on over to Twentynine Palms, except I have to shop for groceries for Stake Girl's camp this weekend, so a trip will have to wait. Not sure a Marine Base is the best place for an anniversary trip anyway.
Here is a list of memorable Anniversaries past.
1st anniversary - we had a newborn, Adam was just 12 days old. We couldn't bear to leave him for even an hour so...we had our anniversary at Kerry's parent's house where they "babysat" Adam inside and we BBQ'd steaks outside on their back porch.
4th anniversary - we had another new baby, Veronica was just 3 mos old, and we lived in Wymount Terrace. Our good friends and neighbors, Steve and Mari Roberts, volunteered cheerfully to babysit for free so we could go out to dinner and a movie. The movie? Ghostbusters!
10th anniversary - We lived in Rexburg, and had 4 little kids. We took them to Grandma and Grandpa Park's for the day and went golfing at Jefferson Hills golf course and then out to dinner.
11th or 12th anniversary - June 25th that year was the Rexburg Relay For Life event, and Kerry had signed us up to walk a certain amount of time on the Basic American Foods team. We walked the same number of laps as the number of years we had been married. I think it was 12.
15th anniversary - It was a Sunday, so we just had a nice dinner with our little kids - no Emily yet - then went on a peaceful stroll around Smith Park. Our last anniversary in Rexburg.
24th anniversary - Simon & Garfunkle concert in Salt Lake city - the kids are now old enough to just leave them without grandparents or babysitters. We had a nice room at the Marriott downtown. Our seats were up pretty high, but it was a great concert.
25th anniversary - Maui! We had a condo right on Napili Bay. We snorkeled every day, went running up to the airport on the hill, took the road to Hana, climbed a volcano - and spent June 25th on a sunset dinner cruise. Perfect! There was a newlywed couple on our cruise, still in their wedding attire. We told them we would meet them back there in 25 years for their 25th anniversary and our 50th.
Usually we'll go out to dinner, or sometimes the Temple on our anniversary. Plans for our 30th anniversary next year are to go to Canada! We haven't been there since our wedding trip, it's just not on the way to anywhere. This time though, I think we will need a passport.