Friday, April 16, 2010

I love to see the

Temple. I'm going there someday...tomorrow! With beautiful bride-to-be Marisa. I like lists, here's one:

Adam, Idaho Falls Temple, July 2000 prior to his mission to Carlsbad
Thomas, Idaho Falls Temple, February 2005 prior to his mission to Budapest
Caley, Ogden Temple, July 2007 prior to her marriage to Thomas
Veronica, Idaho Falls Temple, October 2008 prior to her marriage to Kyle
Marisa, Provo Temple, April 2010 prior to her marriage to Doug

And in 2 months it will be the 30th anniversary of

Me, Cardston Temple, June 1980 prior to my marriage to Kerry.

My whole family, Cardston Temple, April 1966, to be sealed to my parents and siblings. There were Lego's in the nursery, and angels, as I recall.