Sometimes, you run a race to see how fast you can finish it, or to try to win. Sometimes you run just to see if you can finish it. This time I am driving 500 miles to go for a walk with my sisters. I remember going on a walk with my sister Kerri once, through an orange grove in California, and she had to carry me home. I remember walking through a temple in Canada on my wedding day with my sister Janna. So now we're going on another walk, we three, and hopefully nobody has to carry anyone, but we're going to cross that finish line together.
I've never done a 12K before, this should be so fun! I've never been in a race with over 50,000 people before either, I can't even imagine that many people in one place. The last time I ran a race up north, everyone came and cheered me on...my nieces, my family, my sisters. Now we are all doing the race together, nieces, daughter, sisters and I. Somehow I am the "experienced" racer here, hah, but I am glad for the opportunity to cheer them on all the way. Rah! Rah!
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