Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little Red Book

Notice that it's not April Fool's day or anything, this is really what I do now in the church gym with a bunch of Relief Society sisters who are all older than me. We are getting pretty good at some of the line dances by now, so that someone jokingly said we should perform somewhere, and the Bishop's wife said she thought we should do a flash mob at the next enrichment meeting. We're learning the dances from a senior sister who goes to Arizona each year, where apparently the senior citizen snowbirds all spend the winter line dancing. I've learned like 12 different dances by now, and if you look them up by name on youtube, they are the exact same as what I've learned. Here's what we rocked today:

1 comment:

  1. Wow....I want to come. It looks fun. THEN, you can come with me to Zumba!
