Sunday, August 15, 2010

Greet the Morning

If you are lucky, like me, you might have a daughter like Emily who tapes a message to the ceiling over your bed inviting you to "Greet the Morning!"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Perfect World

A few years ago, Oprah had this on her "favorite things" show. I hardly ever watch Oprah, but I did that day, and I was persuaded to try this lotion. It really is perfect. I don't buy it often, because it's expensive, and when I do, I kind of hoard it and use it very sparingly. Sometimes when I'm having a bad day I remember that I have some of this in my bathroom, and then everything is all better. (They have another kind...Ginger Souffle, which is possibly even better than A Perfect World, but like the copper highlights Amanda puts in my hair seasonally, it's better in fall and winter.)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Social Commentary


A recent glance at the newspaper from the city to the south enlightened me on the current state of birth statistics in the area. In a two week period at one particular hospital, there were 37 babies born. 20 of them were born to single or unmarried parents, and 17 to married couples.