Saturday, March 26, 2011


It's been kind of like a marathon, making sure to find something to post on my blog each and every day for 26 days now. In blogging, as running, some miles are stronger, some are pretty weak, some you're just glad to have them over and done. I mostly enjoyed all of the miles I ran during the decade of running marathons, and I hope to be able to run many more (miles if not marathons.) My fastest was the St. George Marathon of 2003, when I ran with Carda who pushed me, chasing after a son I thought was ahead of me. My slowest was my 7th marathon, the last one I did before finding out that my meniscus was not only torn and tattered but had also been folded over all these years. Oops! The infinity pool totally made up for it. I promised Emily once that I would not be too old and tired to run a marathon with her when she was old enough. Her enthusiasm may have died down a bit now that she's approaching that age. Whether or not, I do have these 7 medals to show for those particular 183.4 miles. I couldn't have done it without my family there waiting patiently, cheering me on, and running with me the last few miles.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't visited for a while. I miss you. Nice blog! Love the pictures. You are good.
