Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Part of my job each day is recess duty. We go outside to play as long as it is above about 10 degrees. Looking forward to Spring!


  1. wait, is it NOT usually above 10 degrees up there lately? I contemplated sleeping outside tonight it was such a warm evening.

  2. Just had a flashback. It was 3rd grade and for some reason my class wasn't allowed to play with the other 3rd grade class. I ended up playing soccer with my classmates and was wearing little brown leather shoes rather than tennis shoes since I wasn't intending on doing anything athletic. The boy I had a crush on says, "whoa, you're shoes are so pointy they're gonna pop the ball." Most embarrassing moment of my short life at that point! Oh, another flashback, I didn't realize it was going to be so cold and windy outside and all I had was a light jacket but they still made me go out since i didnt have a note! I hid in the bathroom and got in trouble by the duty lady. I hope you're nicer than whoever she was! Last story... I had kickball intramurals and my hair got kind of messed up in the process. A girl approached me and said, "Did you do your own hair?" I said yeah. She said, "I can tell!" grr...

  3. It's funny that a playground can bring back so many memories Marisa! But I admit, when I started working there 3 years ago, that playground brought back a lot of memories to me too, of 2nd grade you and 4th grade Thomas.
